Monday, June 4, 2012

They're All a dinky Crazy

Atlanta Psychologist - They're All a dinky Crazy
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Atlanta Psychologist! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

When I drive, I look at the signs and businesses that line the roads and streets. Recently, I asked myself a request that revealed a fatal flaw in my mental - a fatal flaw that just may be the discrepancy betwixt wealth and insecurity, becoming what I wish to be and remaining in my current position.

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How is They're All a dinky Crazy

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Atlanta Psychologist.

Whilst seeing at the sundry businesses - at the many separate ways population were creating wealth and personal prosperity - I asked myself a easy request and one, I am certain, you probably have asked yourself a plethora of times.

What is the discrepancy in the middle of them and me?

Perhaps you did not use that exact wording, but the spirit of the questin is the same. On that night, like many uncountable nights, I wondered about the population of business and business and power and ideas. I wondered why Sam Walton could originate his line of stores, yet so many are left wallowing in positions that they could barely stand - and which kept them barely above water.

While I had asked myself that request many times in the past, on this particular night I had a revelation. I followed with another question:

Why am I seeing for differences when, intrinsically, no real differences exist?

The differences I saw and noticed weren't the real factors that contributed to anyone's success or failure. It wasn't a matter of brains or brawn, capital or ingenuity, push or pull. Rather, it was a matter of doing things - at least, just doing something. Anything!

It has often been the nature of popular business books and pop psychologists to earn their sheckles by keeping us in shackles with endless ramblings about what makes the prosperous successful. In other words, most of the coarse literature on the subject of success has been mired in putting our noses in our somehow unglamourous values and habits rather than showing us what de facto counts: Doing it!

I have a passion for reading biographies of historical or prosperous people. In all of the biographies that I have read, there has all the time been one coarse element: they are all crazy. When I say crazy, I mean completely nuts, bonkers, whacked. The "successful" have so many idiosynchrosies that to name all of them would be to name every speck of sand on a beach. For now, I will just list a few that I find most amusing:

Steve Jobs: control freak and not very nice to underlings. Not to mention the drugs.

Donald Trump: Can we safely call him an egomaniac?

Larry Ellison: Braggart, egomaniac, Bs-er.

Bill Gates: Do I have to mention his business practices?

Alexander the Great: Delusions of grandeur.

Napoleon: another one with delusions of grandeur.

Jd Salinger: Reclusive.

Lord Byron: Womanizer and scandal monger.

Ted Turner: Speaks before he thinks.

Just by seeing at this itsybitsy sampling of paramount personas, it becomes definite that probably none of them read How To Win Friends and work on population or The Seven Habits of highly effective People. All of them have had scandalous exposes written about them. All of them were majourly flawed in one way - or many. All of them pushed the envelope and just did what they did.

That, it turns out, is the choosing factor: doing what one wants to do. There is no preparing, no training, no self-improvement necessary. How big would Microsoft be today if Mr. Gates naturally welcomed competition with a smile? What would the news business be like if Ted Turner kept his mouth shut and minded what he said? I can answer that: kinda dull. His brashness earned him billions.

I do not write this as a vindication for all of our vices and failing points. I do not write this to stop population from reading self-improvement books and attending seminars. I write this for the population who do those things again and again and again. Those population must perceive that the discrepancy in the middle of them and the prosperous is merely the quality to dig in one's heels and get to it.

Too often, I speak with a man who continually reads the books and attends the seminars and all the time has a plan or project for self-improvement. Listening to them is like listening to a Dead Head recant all of the shows to which he's been. "I saw Tony Robbins in Atlanta, '99; Dr. Phil in Boston, '00; I was to Chopra's book signing in New York last month..." and the litany continues ad nauseum. The kicker is that the man still isn't particularly happy, done or successful. Do these seminars and books make the man happy? Yes, like crack makes a drug addict happy. The man catches his buzz and feels that in doing so, he is doing something. In the end, though, he is not.

All of the speakers and motivators say the same thing: Do it! All of the books reiterate that simple, yet poignant, phrase. There comes a time when a man realizes that they do not need to be completely organized or a polished speaker or a flawless person. Instead of studying the books, they should take what they learned and apply it to real life by working on their dreams. Or if not their dreams, then something - anything!

Or, as Haanel wrote

"You must first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do."

You have the knowledge of your power (if you don't, then keep reading this blog and get The faultless expert Key policy - - you'll get it!); the courage to dare will come to you, if you don't have it already, as you take those first steps toward your goal. All that's needed is for you to have the faith to do. To get that, forget what you've heard and read; instead go boldly forward with what you know.

There are no real differences in the middle of us and them. The "differences" that definite authors and speakers like to observation are just fluff. I may have been a tad hasty when I said that their are no differences, perhaps there is one:

The prosperous know that they are flawed, but they just don't care. They just do it!

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